Grass Care in Lewes: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Lewes

At Lawn Doctor of Sussex County, we utilize comprehensive lawn maintenance treatments to bring out the best in your yard. However, because we can’t be there 24/7 to fight off external threats and perform everyday maintenance, there are a handful of steps that need to be taken between our visits to keep your lawn at 100%. But with the combination of these steps and our proven grass care in Lewes, DE, you can have a lawn that stays looking its best from season to season.

Steps to Take Between Professional Grass Care Treatments

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important steps to take between our visits to keep your lawn looking great over time.

Watering is one of the most important upkeep tasks when it comes to maintaining healthy, green grass. However, watering mistakes are common, and they can negatively impact the health and appearance of your lawn. Afternoon watering causes the water to evaporate before it can effectively hydrate your grass, and watering in the evening allows the water to linger too long and causes the development of lawn diseases. To keep your grass green and growing, make sure to water early in the morning.

Mowing your grass effectively is another important part of your lawn’s overall maintenance. Mowing your grass too short can seem like it saves you time, but short grass is more susceptible to sun damage and weed infestations. Mowing with dull blades is another common mistake. Instead of providing your grass with a clean cut, dull blades can tear the grass and leave ragged, discolored edges behind. For healthy grass, mow high and regularly sharpen or replace your mower blades.

Continuous Grass Care for Lewes Homeowners

Your lawn’s needs don’t stay the same throughout the year. As the weather changes, so do your yard’s needs. By working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Sussex County, you’ll get ongoing grass care solutions that work around your lawn’s ever-changing needs. We’ll adjust our treatments to accommodate shifts in pH levels, weed activity, temperature, and other factors to keep your lawn looking its very best.

We offer proven grass care to our neighbors located throughout the following communities:

  • Lewes
  • Milton
  • Millsboro/Long Neck
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Lewes homeowners count on the expert grass care services delivered by our team. Contact Lawn Doctor of Sussex County today to discover how we can help in your lawn!