Grass Care Tips for St. Charles Lawns: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in St. Charles

Are you looking for valuable guidance on lawn care in St. Charles? Transforming your lawn doesn’t have to be a struggle. With Lawn Doctor of St. Charles, you can skip the uncertainty and hassle and enjoy effective, custom lawn care for your yard. We can supercharge your lawn’s growth, tame weeds, deter unwanted pests, and provide customized lawn treatment. Budget-friendly, tailored to your needs, and backed by our leading guarantee – expect exceptional results every time we visit.

If you’re looking for helpful advice on grass care in St. Charles, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to assist you in maintaining a lush and vibrant lawn between our scheduled visits. Here are some simple tips for managing mowing, watering, and other important aspects of grass care.


Invest some time in understanding your grass type. Better yet, ask our lawn care professionals. It’s important to know your grass type to provide appropriate care and maintenance. When it comes to mowing, keep this in mind. Don’t focus on the calendar – pay attention to the length of your grass. Mowing too short can negatively impact your lawn’s health, so discover the perfect length and stick with it.


Watering is crucial for lawns because it provides the necessary moisture that grass plants need to thrive and maintain their health and vitality. Remember, less is more and moderation is key. Avoid daily watering. Excessive watering can lead to shallow root systems, making your grass more vulnerable to stress. Water on a bi-weekly basis. Early morning watering is ideal as it reduces evaporation and enables your grass to absorb moisture before the heat of the day.

Pet Considerations

Pets, especially dogs, can leave nitrogen-rich urine spots that can harm your lawn. After you pet urinates, water the area immediately to dilute the nitrogen and prevent damage. Better yet, train your pets to use a specific area for their bathroom needs, ideally covered with gravel or mulch. This minimizes urine spots and keeps the rest of the lawn healthy. Consistent cleaning is also advised. Promptly removing your pet’s waste avoids damage to the grass and the spread of odors.

For professional lawn care you can count on, CALL Lawn Doctor of St. Charles at 636-410-9952. Our residential lawn care services in St. Charles include affordable rates, tailored services, and expert treatments. We tackle complex problems that threaten your lawn’s growth and vitality, all backed by an industry-leading guarantee.

Our lawn care and maintenance services cover St. Charles, Ballwin, University City, Ladue, Des Peres, Webster Groves, Maryland Heights, St. Peters, O’Fallon, Clayton, and surrounding areas.