Yard Care in Rochester: How to Get a Thick, Green Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Yard Care in Rochester

With professional yard care in the Rochester area, Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield provides a wide range of services to protect your grass. Here are our professional tips for maintaining a healthy and thick green lawn.

4 Yard Care Tips to Boost Thickness

  • Mow Correctly. Lawn mowing is important, so you want to make sure it is done right. When cutting your grass, going too short can leave your lawn vulnerable to weeds and other harmful issues. We recommend cutting those blades to a height of around 3.5 to 4 inches.
  • Water Properly. Your lawn needs proper amounts of water, but adding moisture at the wrong times can have negative effects. If you water at night, the excess moisture will linger on your lawn, making it more vulnerable to certain issues. The best time to water is in the early morning around sunrise, as this will give your grass the chance to absorb moisture while allowing the rising sun to eventually burn off the excess water.
  • Fertilize Your Lawn. Fertilization is the process of providing vital nutrients to your soil. Every lawn needs some mixture of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to grow strong and thrive. For your exact lawn, the amounts of each element can vary, so it’s always best to have professionals handle this complex task. Using the wrong products can lead to inferior results and wasted money.
  • Control Outside Threats. Weeds, pests, and disease are always a threat to your lawn. This is one of many reasons why professional yard care is so important. Our experts can deliver the exact solutions your lawn needs to combat various threats and continue growing strong.
  • Aerate As Needed. When your lawn gets compacted, this can prevent nutrients from reaching the soil and roots. Lawn aeration is needed to open things up and help those vital nutrients get where they belong.

Expert Yard Care in Rochester

Besides mowing and watering, every other task on this list benefits from a professional touch. With our experience, skills and top quality products, we can make sure your grass gets exactly what it needs to succeed. We offer expert lawn fertilization, lawn aeration, pest control, weed control, and more yard care services to fight off outside threats and infuse your lawn with the proper nutrients.

Our professionals work hard to produce thick, healthy, and beautiful green lawns for properties throughout:

  • Rochester
  • Springfield
  • Chatham
  • Sherman
  • And the surrounding areas

For yard care in Rochester, contact us today.