Residential Lawn Care in Springfield: 6 Lawn Care Terms You Should Know

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Residential Lawn Care in Springfield

With professional service from Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield, you can forget about those tedious and confusing yard chores once and for all. We offer customized residential lawn care for Springfield area residents, designed to create strong, healthy, and beautiful green grass for your home. Our team is proud to offer professional fertilization treatments, weed control, lawn seeding, grub control, core aeration, and more.

To help you get started, we would like to share some key definitions of important lawn care terms. Learning these terms will help you communicate with our lawn care professionals and follow along with our service.

Essential Lawn Care Terms

  • Fertilizer. A product we use to deliver crucial nutrition to your lawn. Fertilizers contain a mixture of vital nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. To find the right fertilizer for your grass, you need to analyze the pH level and other factors. This complex process has many ways it can go wrong, so trusting our professionals is always the right call.
  • Soil Testing. We conduct an analysis of your soil to determine the pH level and figure out if there are any nutrient deficiencies. Once we make this diagnosis, we can create a customized plan to deliver the right nutrition to your lawn.
  • Invasive Plants. Common weeds grow wildly and disrupt the health and beauty of your lawn. There are many species that grow abundantly in the region, but our team has the solutions you need. We offer weed control, including our proactive strategies to limit weed growth in the future.
  • Brown Patch. A fungal disease that affects lawns during the summer and causes unpleasant brown regions to develop around your lawn. We have the proven solutions you need to prevent this issue and keep your lawn a beautiful shade of green.
  • Compaction. A problem that occurs when your soil becomes too densely compacted. This will limit airflow and cause poor health for your lawn.
  • Core Aeration. This is our solution to soil compaction, which involves removing cores of soil and creating better airflow.

Residential Lawn Care in Springfield Backed By Our Guarantee

With speedy and effective service to solve complicated lawn care problems and maintain that stunning patch of green grass, Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield is ready to protect your outdoor landscape. We are proud to offer affordable pricing, friendly support, and our industry-leading satisfaction guarantee.

Our service area includes:

  • Springfield
  • Chatham
  • Rochester
  • Sherman
  • and the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Springfield, contact us today.