Lawn Maintenance in Rochester: Tips for Thicker Growth

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn after lawn maintenance in RochesterDo you always feel like your lawn is brittle and weak rather than plush and thick? When you imagine the perfect yard, you probably envision a dense carpet of green grass that is comfortable on bare feet. Choosing Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield for help with lawn maintenance can enable you to finally grow a lawn in Rochester with the ideal texture and lush top growth, all without having to bend over backwards to give your grass what it needs.

Our Experts’ Lawn Maintenance Tips for Thick Grass

If thinning turf is your main lawn maintenance issue, the problem likely lies with the help of your turf’s underground root system. Roots that are poorly nourished cannot generate dense blade growth that results in a plush texture. The best way to provide the right nutrition for your yard is to fertilize it with a carefully balanced formula.

Many homeowners in the Rochester area know that nitrogen is key for green grass, but are unaware that phosphorus is the macronutrient responsible for root health and blade density. When your goal is to remedy thinning grass, it is important to ensure there’s plenty of phosphorus in the fertilizer formula as well as the right levels of nitrogen.

Because this puzzle can be so hard to solve, it is always best to leave fertilization to our team of experienced lawn maintenance professionals. Here’s what we’ll do to nourish your grass roots:

  • Select the right fertilizer formula. We’ll take the time to analyze the needs of your turf and choose a balanced treatment that will provide access to all the phosphorus it needs for thicker blade growth.
  • Treat your yard at the right time. Different grass species have different seasons of growth, and we will take this into account when creating a fertilization schedule for your lawn.
  • Apply the formula evenly and in the right dosage. Too much fertilizer can do damage to turf health, while inconsistent application can result in inconsistent growth. You can trust us to employ high-tech tools and expert techniques to avoid these two common mistakes.

Enjoy Thicker Grass with Professional Lawn Maintenance in Rochester

Make lawn maintenance easier and enjoy thicker grass with the help of our fertilization services. We’ll improve the texture of your turf in:

  • Rochester
  • Springfield
  • Chatham
  • Sherman
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For lawn maintenance in Rochester, contact us today!