Lawn Aeration in Chatham

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass made healthier through Lawn Aeration in Chatham

Your home’s outdoor spaces need dedicated upkeep to stay healthy. One lawn maintenance task that’s commonly overlooked is aeration. Aeration prevents your soil from becoming compacted, which can cause stunted growth, lawn diseases, and a long list of other issues. At Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield, our team utilizes proven lawn aeration services to keep Chatham, IL lawns protected from compacted soil and help them stay green and growing through the seasons.

How Lawn Aeration Helps Your Yard Stay Healthy

Aeration provides a long list of benefits, which is why it should always have a spot in your lawn maintenance plan. The following are just a few of the many ways that regularly aerating your yard prevents issues and improves its overall health:

Improved Nutrient Circulation. Your grass needs nutrients to grow and stay healthy from season to season. When there’s compression in your soil, the nutrients provided by fertilization and from natural sources can have a hard time reaching your lawn’s root systems. Regular aeration treatments optimize your soil’s composition to keep compression to a minimum, allowing nutrients to freely circulate and keep your grass growing.

Thatch Prevention. When thatch accumulates on the surface of your soil, it causes several issues. Not only can this debris buildup create bumpy, uneven areas in your yard, but it can also prevent water from being effectively absorbed into the soil. Aeration treatments prevent the buildup of thatch and other debris to keep your yard healthier, greener, and looking its best in the long run.

The Benefits of Professional Lawn Aeration in Chatham

Professional lawn aeration does more than get you out of aerating your yard by yourself. Working with us means working with a team that utilizes cutting-edge equipment to bring you results that last. With our core aerators, we remove evenly-spaced soil plugs from your yard instead of simply penetrating it with spike aerators. This process allows us to more effectively relieve compression in the soil and keep your yard healthy for longer than the DIY alternative.

We offer professional lawn aeration to homeowners and businesses located in these communities:

  • Chatham
  • Springfield
  • Rochester
  • Sherman
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

To learn more about our lawn aeration in Chatham, contact us today!