Grub Control in Chatham: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Chatham

With proactive solutions and comprehensive grub control support for Chatham area homes, Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield is ready to help you stop these root-eating pests. Let’s start by going over some vital information about grubs.

What are Grubs?

Grubs are the larvae that result from Japanese beetle eggs. If these beetles can lay eggs in your yard, grubs will hatch and live within your soil. As long as they remain in your lawn, they will continue to eat the roots of your turf. So, if you notice any beetles flying around, it’s a good idea to call our professionals and schedule our proactive treatment.

How Do These Pests Hurt My Lawn?

By constantly nibbling at your turf roots, grubs can cause a wide range of lawn care issues. Here are some of the problems these pests can cause:

  • Thinning growth. Your lawn may get thinner and thinner as grubs prevent your root system from properly supporting your lawn ecosystem.
  • Yellow color. Without proper nutrients, your grass blades will turn from a vibrant green to a bland yellow.
  • Drought symptoms. You may notice that your lawn is always dry despite consistent watering, as grubs prevent your lawn from properly utilizing the moisture.
  • Animal activity. Birds will leave small, pencil-shaped holes in your lawn as they dig for grubs. Other creatures, such as raccoons, skunks, and moles will dig around wildly in search of an easy meal.

If you notice any of these symptoms of a grub infestation, do not hesitate to contact our experts. The earlier we treat the problem, the easier and more affordable it will be to restore your lawn to full health.

How Our Professional Grub Control in Chatham Can Help

We offer proactive remedies to get ahead of the issue and stop beetles from laying eggs on your lawn. We can also provide quick and efficient service to clear up your active grub infestation. If there’s grub-related damage, we’ll also create a customized lawn care plan to address the problems and rejuvenate your landscape. With our help, you can overcome this stressful lawn care issue and maintain your beautiful, healthy lawn.

Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield proudly offers our comprehensive grub control services throughout:

  • Chatham
  • Springfield
  • Rochester
  • Sherman
  • And the surrounding areas

For grub control in Chatham, contact us today.