4 Problems Our Lawncare Service in South Austin Can Solve

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawncare Service in South Austin

Turn to a lawncare service that utilizes time-tested methods of combating complicated lawn problems for yards in the South Austin area. At Lawn Doctor of South Austin-San Marcos, we are ready to deliver dedicated care for your grass and individualized attention that finally remedies those lawn issues that have been causing you headaches and leading you to waste your weekends. Our detailed services and treatment offerings can be tailored to the unique needs of our clients’ lawns, and we always go the extra mile to help promote healthy grass growth that you can enjoy more fully.

Our Lawncare Service Tackles a Range of Lawn Problems

While our team members do not mow lawns or water grass, they are available to handle more challenging issues related to lawn care and maintenance. For examples of problems we can effectively resolve, check the list below:

  • Nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies can often be managed through precise fertilization. Our technicians will determine the types of nutrients your grass currently needs and feed it using high-quality fertilization materials applied evenly across your lawn.
  • Dense soil. Soil can become dense over time due to natural factors and heavy use of your lawn. Unfortunately, this process can cut grass roots off from water, oxygen, and other vital elements. We help reverse soil compaction by breaking up dense soil using our professional core aerator.
  • Unhealthy trees and shrubs. Even if your grass looks great, your lawn will appear unhealthy if it is home to sickly trees and shrubs. We are experts at diagnosing plant diseases and can treat what is ailing these plants with ease.
  • Weed growth. When weeds are growing on your lawn, you may find that you are soon facing a stubborn invasion. We can significantly lower weed populations and take measures that prevent other invasive plants from taking hold.

Transform Your Lawn in South Austin With Help From Our Technicians

Our team is proud to make a difference in our community by making yard care less stressful for local homeowners and enhancing the beauty of lawns across our area. You can take advantage of our in-depth knowledge and affordable treatments without hesitation thanks to our respected customer satisfaction guarantee.

We look forward to transforming your lawn in:

  • South Austin
  • Kyle
  • San Marcos
  • Buda
  • Or a town in the surrounding areas

For a lawncare service in South Austin,contact us today!