Grub Control in Smyrna: Stop the Damage Early

Grub Control in Smyrna

When keeping your lawn healthy is a top priority, providing it with adequate protection against common threats is absolutely essential. While you may have a plan in place to stop weeds and plant diseases, you may be overlooking the potential risk of a white grub infestation and the need for grub control. At Lawn Doctor of Smyrna-Brookhaven, we work with local homeowners to help them take the initiative against these stealthy plant eaters and ensure their lawns are effectively shielded from harm.

Why Grubs Must Be Stopped Early

When it comes to stopping grubs, the earlier on you can start treating them, the better. That is because grubs work quickly and can inflict major damage in a matter of weeks. In fact, the best time to start knocking them out is before they even begin feeding on your lawn’s roots.

To catch grubs early, it’s important to know where they come from. These critters hatch from the eggs that beetles have laid in the soil. This means that if you have had a problem with Japanese beetles or June Bugs on your lawn, you’ll likely also be facing a grub problem. As temperatures rise in the summer, grubs emerge from their eggs and head straight for grassroots, feasting on your lawn’s precious root system until it no longer anchors turf into the soil.

This is why a grub infestation, left unchecked, will leave behind soft areas of turf that can be peeled up from the soil’s surface. In addition, grass that has been cut off from its root system will start to turn brown and die off altogether. While we always recommend getting started with grub control before you notice these signs of damage, we encourage you to contact us even if your turf has already been devastated by grubs. We can minimize further damage with our treatments and provide health-boosting services to help get your grass back on track for robust growth.

Learn More About Grub Control in Smyrna!

Our team is ready to begin protecting your lawn and ensure it can withstand the threats that come its way. Learn more about our grub prevention program and other services today to enjoy a thriving landscape in:

  • Smyrna
  • Brookhaven
  • Mableton
  • Buckhead
  • Atlanta
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For grub control in Smyrna,contact us today!