Residential Lawn Care in Vine Grove: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Vine Grove

A healthy lawn takes consistent work to maintain, and there’s a ton of information out there pertaining to each step of the lawn maintenance process. However, not all of this information is accurate, and using some of it in your overall approach to lawn maintenance can lead to mildew, weakened roots, deficiencies, imbalances, and a wide range of other problems. Below, we’ll highlight a few of the most common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Vine Grove, KY area to help you avoid taking steps that could be harmful to your outdoor spaces.

Residential Lawn Care Myths to Avoid

There’s a long list of lawn care myths out there, and some of them can be detrimental to your yard when put into practice. Here are some of the most common lawn care myths and why they should be avoided:

1. Watering in the evening is ideal.

Evening watering, along with not being the ideal time to water, can actually cause damage to your lawn. When you water at night, the water evaporates too slowly, allowing mildew and other lawn diseases to form. To get the most out of watering and eliminate the risk of causing lawn diseases, make sure you’re watering your lawn early in the morning.

2. The best way to fight weeds is to pull them by hand.

Pulling weeds by hand is a classic step in the lawn maintenance process, but has a few key flaws. The biggest risk of pulling weeds by hand is leaving part of the plant intact, allowing it to quickly grow back and keep spreading. To bring you effective protection from weeds, our team utilizes weed control products that destroy these plants and their root systems completely.

3. Fertilizing your yard is only necessary once or twice per year.

Fertilization is important because it gives your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive. However, deficiencies and imbalances can develop if you’re only fertilizing once or twice per year. For a healthy, green lawn, we recommend 4-6 fertilization treatments per year.

Our Hassle-Free Residential Lawn Care in Vine Grove

At Lawn Doctor of Hardin County, we take the hassle out of lawn care. Along with utilizing proven services to bring you results you can trust, we’re able to treat your yard whether you’re at home or not.

We offer our convenient and effective residential lawn care solutions to homeowners in these areas:

  • Vine Grove
  • Elizabethtown
  • Radcliff
  • Rineyville
  • Fort Knox
  • Hardin County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Vine Grove, contact us today!