Fall Lawn Care in Richmond: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in RichmondWant a thriving lawn next spring? Then now’s the time to set the stage for future health and beauty. In fact, the steps you take during the autumn season can determine whether your grass will be green and bright next spring, or sorely disappointing. If you’re not sure what to do and when, Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond can help. We understand fall lawn care in the Richmond, VA area and how to best take advantage of the season. Here are a few tasks you don’t want to miss:

Seed to fill damaged areas. If you do aerate, right after is the ideal time to overseed your lawn or spot treat small areas. This is because aeration cultivates conditions for excellent seed-to-soil contact, producing higher germination rates as a result.

Fuel your lawn. Fertilization throughout the Richmond area’s growing season is important, but especially during autumn. Your grass is recovering from summer-time drought and heat and gearing up for the winter ahead. It therefore needs plenty of fuel in the form of a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Mow regularly and water as needed. When it comes to fall lawn care in the Richmond area, continuing to mow and water are also key to success. Cut your grass until it goes dormant and water if rainfall isn’t adding up to about an inch a week.

Let Richmond’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Want an easier way to get gorgeous grass next spring? Call in the fall lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond for help. While you handle maintenance tasks, like mowing and watering, we can get to work treating your turf with everything else it needs for vigorous growth and vibrant color next spring. Together, we’ll ensure you get a lawn that dazzles and delights in the growing season ahead.

With Lawn Doctor of Great Richmond, having a beautifuly lawn year round has never been easier. We’ll make sure a regular schedule of lawn treatments has your lawn growing lush, thick, and green!

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond at (804) 550-3800 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Richmond, Henrico, Midlothian, Chesterfield, Chester, Glen Allen, Ashland, Mechanicsville, and Hanover, VA areas.