Spring Lawn Care in Beachwood: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Beachwood

Don’t leave your lawn to fend for itself this winter. Implement our experts’ tips for winter lawn care to ensure that your yard is primed to thrive when the weather warms up. At Lawn Doctor of Pepper Pike-Beachwood, our professional winter and spring lawn care services promote turf health and offer the additional protection that your grass needs to stay healthy. In addition, our ongoing lawn care program includes customized services that keep your yard in tip-top shape throughout the year.

Whether you live in Beachwood, Pepper Pike, Shaker Heights, Brecksville, Solon, or a nearby town, you can rely on our knowledge of the local area and access to proprietary tools to nurse your lawn to health. Read on to learn more about how proper winter lawn care can lead to ideal spring growth.

Beachwood Spring Lawn Care Starts in Winter

When the winter winds blow through, you may think that your lawn care duties are over for the year. However, there are a few concrete steps that we recommend you take in order to provide your lawn with necessary protection and nutrients as temperatures begin to drop:

Spot treat weedy areas. Weeds that are a nuisance now could cause much bigger problems by springtime. Don’t hesitate to get started with our precise weed treatments to eliminate weeds before they become an issue.

Aerate your lawn. In order to encourage air flow and access to water, nutrients, and heat, you’ll need to eliminate soil compaction through lawn aeration. Our aeration services stimulate root health and ensure that your turf isn’t cut off from essential elements.

Apply winter fertilizer. Providing your yard with an even application of winter fertilizer gives it vital nutrients that can be stored for future growth and used to promote resistance to fungus and disease.

Prevent damage. Avoid walking on your turf when it’s covered in ice or snow, as it’s particularly vulnerable in these colder conditions. Now’s also the time to remove other sources of pressure and stress, such as outdoor furniture, lawn decorations, toys, and piles of leaves. Not only can these items block sunlight, but they can also cause your grass to brown out or die.

For spring lawn care in Beachwood, contact us today! Our lawn care experts can also deliver professional services in Pepper Pike, Shaker Heights, Brecksville, Solon, and neighboring communities.