Lawn Aeration in Newtown

extremely green grass from Lawn Doctor's Lawn Aeration in Newtown.

Your lawn needs nutrients and oxygen to thrive. But if the soil in your yard is compacted, nutrients and oxygen will struggle to reach your turf’s roots. Our lawn aeration service offers a simple solution to this problem for homeowners in Newtown. By aerating your soil, we allow your turf’s roots to breathe, making it easier to grow a thick, resilient, and beautiful lawn.

When Is Lawn Aeration Needed?

Aerated soil is an important part of growing healthy turf, giving roots access to fertilizer, air, and water.

Unfortunately, most lawns don’t maintain proper aeration on their own. Over time, soil will usually get compacted by foot traffic, heavy objects, or rainfall. As a result, turf struggles to breathe, and it fails to get the nutrients it needs.

This problem is compounded by the build up of lawn thatch. Lawn thatch is a layer of dead grass and debris that accumulates on top of the soil, blocking oxygen and fertilizer from reaching the roots underneath.

Compacted soil or thatch build up can lead to thin, brittle, yellowy grass—even when you’re watering and fertilizing your lawn regularly. That’s why it’s essential to have your lawn aerated regularly. At a minimum, lawn aeration should be performed every two years.

However, many lawns need to be aerated more regularly. If your grass is struggling and you’re not sure why, we suggest checking for signs of soil compaction or lawn thatch. One popular method is the screwdriver test. Simply take a flathead screwdriver and attempt to insert it into your lawn’s soil. If it takes more than a simple push to penetrate the soil, it’s time to call our aeration experts!

Lawn Aeration Services in Newtown

Lawn Doctor of Greater Oxford offers core aeration services to homeowners in Newtown, giving you an easy way to breathe new life into your yard.

Our core aeration services use our proprietary line of Turf Tamer® lawn care equipment. This allows us to achieve consistent aeration across your lawn, without the compacted patches that often come with DIY aeration. It also ensures that soil is aerated at the proper depth, which can prove difficult without the right equipment.

As a locally owned and operated lawn care company, we proudly offer core aeration to homeowners in:

  • Newtown
  • Oxford
  • Trumbull
  • Cheshire
  • Milford
  • New Haven
  • and the surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Newtown, contact Lawn Doctor of Greater Oxford today!