Lawn Care in Olive Branch: Terms You Should Know

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame for lawn care in Olive BranchDon’t know what grubs are? Interested in finding out more about pH balancing? Lawn Doctor of DeSoto County has the answers you need. Below are some common lawn care terms we get asked about by homeowners across the Olive Branch, MS area and what they mean for your yard:

Broadleaf weeds: Weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, and chickweed, that take away resources from grass and disrupt the look of your lawn. These weeds are characterized by leaves with flat, broad surfaces and a network of veins.

Crabgrass: A type of annual grassy weed with a creeping stem that spreads thousands of seeds during their lifetime. These weeds can also crowd out turf, thanks to their aggressive nature.

Fertilization: The process of adding necessary nutrients to the soil to help lawns grow in healthier and stronger with better resistance to weeds, pests, and diseases.

Grassy weeds: Weeds, such as crabgrass, foxtail, and goosegrass, that look and act like grass. However, they can also compete for resources with your turf, damaging the look and health of your lawn.

Grubs: The larva of a beetle that’s worm-like and white and feeds on grass roots. As a result, it can cause areas of your lawn to die-off.

pH Balancing: A lawn care treatment that restores the pH level of your soil in Olive Branch. The optimal range is between 6.0 and 7.0. Anything above or below is too acidic or too alkaline, requiring lime or sulfur applications to re-balance and restore a healthy pH level.

Pre-emergent weed control: A weed control treatment that works by suppressing seeds underground, before they germinate, grow, and develop into weeds on the soil’s surface.

Ticks: Small, blood-sucking arachnids that find their way into lawns on the coats of animals, such as mice and deer.

Lawn Care in the Olive Branch Area: Learn More from Our Expert Team Today

Lawn Doctor of DeSoto County is your source for a wide variety of lawn care services across the Olive Branch area. We can prevent common problems in your lawn, as well as help you overcome a range of issues that are already occurring, whether related to weeds and pests or nutrient deficiencies. As a result, you can stop some of the hassles and hard work related to lawn care and simply enjoy healthier, more beautiful results in Olive Branch.

Call Lawn Doctor of DeSoto County at (662) 890-4788 if you want to get started with a free consultation. Our lawn care services can help enhance your yard and home’s curb appeal, whether you live in Olive Branch, Oxford, Hernando, Southaven, or another surrounding community in TN.