Residential Lawn Care in Middletown: What You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Middletown

When it comes to describing, diagnosing, and caring for lawns, there’s a long list of unique terms that are used. And whether you hear these terms from your neighbors, a guy at the hardware store, or our team when we’re applying our treatments, it’s helpful to understand what they mean. Below, we’ll go through some of the most common terms you might come across and how they relate to our residential lawn care in the Middletown, DE area.

Four Essential Lawn Care Terms

There’s an extensive list of potentially unfamiliar terms that you may hear in relation to residential lawn care. Here are a few of them:

Scalping. Our team doesn’t offer mowing services, but that doesn’t mean we won’t offer guidance and suggestions on how you get the most out of lawn mowing. If we say that you’re scalping your lawn, that simply means you’re cutting your grass too short. This is an issue because it allows weeds to move in and take over more easily, while also putting your lawn at risk of several other issues.

Pre/post-emergent. Weed control is a big part of our overall approach to lawn maintenance, and we utilize a comprehensive approach that targets different types of weeds. Pre-emergent and post-emergent are terms you might hear us use to describe the kinds of weeds we target in our treatments. These terms simply refer to whether or not weeds have broken through your lawn’s surface.

Aeration. When compression builds under your lawn’s surface, it makes it difficult for essential resources like nutrients and water to reach your root systems. Aeration refers to breaking apart compacted soil through the use of handheld implements or machinery, restoring the circulation of these essential resources.

Anaerobic. If your lawn isn’t getting enough oxygen, it can be tough for it to support ongoing grass growth and fend off external threats like weeds and lawn diseases. Anaerobic means “without oxygen,” and refers to lawns that, for one reason or another, are having a hard time getting enough oxygen to stay healthy.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Middletown

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Dover-Middletown, you’ll be working with dedicated lawn care experts who will be with you through every step of the lawn care process. We’ll be right there to answer your terminology questions, make recommendations, and keep your lawn looking great.

We offer proven residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Middletown
  • Dover
  • Clayton
  • Townsend
  • Magnolia
  • Smyrna
  • Camden
  • Wyoming
  • Felton
  • Fredrica
  • Odessa
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Middletown, call the team at Lawn Doctor of Dover-Middletown today!