Lawn Maintenance in Townsend

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Maintenance in Townsend

Keeping your lawn healthy and producing consistent grass growth is crucial throughout the year. However, a dedicated upkeep strategy becomes even more important when fall comes around. Not only does fall lawn care keep your yard healthier through the end of the year, but it also plays a big part in determining your lawn’s health when spring returns. We use premium lawn maintenance solutions and proven strategies to boost the health of Townsend, DE lawns during this crucial point in the year.

Fall Lawn Maintenance Tips for a Healthier Yard

Because of the distinct external threats and conditions that can pop up towards the end of the year, certain steps in the lawn maintenance process become more important than others. Here’s a quick look at some of the most important steps in fall lawn care and how they help prepare your yard for the colder months:

Weed Control

Spring means a new crop of weeds. However, there are several types of weeds that can survive the winter and pop up again once temperatures rise, adding to the issue and making more work to achieve a great-looking lawn. Our broadleaf and grassy weed control treatments make short work of these invasive plants to give your lawn a head start on looking its best in the spring.

Restoring Your Lawn’s Nutrient Levels

It’s normal for your lawn’s nutrient stores to be a bit sparse towards the end of the year. However, replacing these nutrients is crucial to your lawn’s ongoing health. Our fertilization treatments utilize nutrient-dense, custom-blended fertilizers to give your yard a boost and keep it healthier in the long run.

Aerating Your Soil

Compacted soil isn’t good for your yard, as it can block the circulation of water and nutrients. Compacted soil often pops up in the fall due to foot traffic in the warmer months. Our core aeration treatments quickly and effectively remedy compacted soil, restoring the circulation that will be crucial in the coming months.

The Benefits of Choosing Our Lawn Maintenance in Townsend

When you work with us, you’ll be working with local lawn care experts. We know lawn maintenance, and we utilize proven systems and products to bring out the best in your home’s exterior spaces. From seasonal pick-me-ups to complete lawn overhauls, we’ve got you covered.

We offer a comprehensive fall lawn maintenance plan to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Townsend
  • Middletown
  • Dover
  • Clayton
  • Magnolia
  • Smyrna
  • Camden
  • Wyoming
  • Felton
  • Fredrica
  • Odessa
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our fall lawn maintenance in Townsend, contact us today!