Grub Control in Cibolo: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Cibolo

With our fast-acting grub control service, Lawn Doctor of Northeast San Antonio and New Braunfels-Cibolo can prevent these pests and stop their damage in the early stages.

Did you know that grubs are simply the larvae of Japanese beetles? These tiny white worms can live in your soil, causing damage to your roots before you even realize there’s a problem. Let’s take a look at why grubs are so harmful to your landscape.

Why Are Grubs Bad For My Lawn?

Grubs exclusively consume turf roots, so they are incompatible with a healthy lawn. The more time they spend in your soil, the more they will weaken your root system and cause problems throughout your lawn. Their presence can create dry conditions, poor growth, yellow color, and other problems. To make the issue more concerning, they also attract scavenging animals like raccoons that will show up and dig through your turf to get to the grubs below.

How Do I Spot the Signs of a Grub Infestation?

Here are a few things to monitor:

  • Changes in your turf color. A grub-infested lawn will go from green to yellow.
  • Poor lawn growth. With a root system weaned by grub activity, you can expect sparse growth.
  • Small holes in your turf. Birds often create pencil-shaped holes as they dig their beaks into your turf to harvest the grubs.

How Our Professional Grub Control in Cibolo Can Help

Our Lawn Maintainer Program includes our proactive solution. Due to the amount of harm these pests can do to your landscape, we always prefer the proactive approach. If we get to your lawn ahead of these pests, we can stop beetles before they even lay their eggs in your soil. If you are not an active Lawn Maintainer customer and there is currently an active population of grubs living within your soil, we can neutralize those pests and quickly stop their damage with our powerful control treatments to stop an active grub infestation.

Once we finish dealing with any grub activity in your yard, we will develop a complete plan to restore your lawn. With our customized lawn services and proven grub control treatments, you can count on expert support from start to finish.

Lawn Doctor of Northeast San Antonio and New Braunfels-Cibolo proudly offers our grub control services in the following communities:

  • Cibolo
  • New Braunfels
  • Northeast San Antonio
  • Schertz
  • and the surrounding areas

For grub control in Cibolo, contact us today.