Fall Lawn Care in New Braunfels: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in New BraunfelsThere are a handful of ongoing maintenance tasks required to keep your yard green and growing throughout the year. However, as winter approaches, there are certain precautions that become even more important to your lawn’s short- and long-term health. At Lawn Doctor of Northeast San Antonio and New Braunfels-Cibolo, our team utilizes comprehensive treatment programs to keep local lawns healthy through the colder months. With our custom-tailored fall lawn care programs, we give lawns in the New Braunfels, Cibolo, Northeast San Antonio, and Schertz, TX areas everything they need to stay healthy until spring returns.

How Our Fall Lawn Care in New Braunfels Gets Lawns Ready for Winter Weather

Depending on how your yard has been maintained throughout the year, it could require a wide range of different treatments to keep it healthy through the end of the year. Identifying which treatments to implement and successfully implementing them can be a time- and labor-intensive process. We save our customers time by utilizing flexible service options and hassle-free applications. When you work with us, you can have a winter-ready lawn without the stress.

There are several different treatments we can utilize to get local lawns ready for the colder months of the year. Here are a few of them:

pH Balancing. Acidity levels play a major role in determining how your yard absorbs and utilizes nutrients. Too much or too little can inhibit growth and allow the setting in of lawn diseases and other issues, which can be especially problematic when winter hits. Our pH balancing treatments will restore your lawn’s measure of acidity to the ideal levels for long-term health and increased resistance to the threats of winter weather.

Core Aeration. Your lawn needs certain elements to survive. When your soil is compacted, your plants lose their ability to access these elements. With our core aeration treatments, our team will restore the essential circulation of water, oxygen, and nutrients throughout your lawn, giving your plants easy access to the resources they need to stay healthy through the colder months.

Fertilization. Because your lawn requires more nutrients to survive the winter, fall fertilization is crucial. Our fertilization treatments utilize custom-blended fertilizers to maximize your yard’s nutrient density and ensure that it has what it needs to stay healthy through the winter and thrive when spring returns.

Visit our contact page to learn more about our fall lawn care programs in New Braunfels, Cibolo, Northeast San Antonio, Schertz, and the surrounding communities.