The Difference Made by Professional Lawn Care in Middletown

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing professional lawn care in MiddletownIf you’re like other homeowners in Middletown, CT, you love your lawn. But you don’t always love the work that you need to put into it. Between fertilization, aeration, and weeding, DIY lawn care can be demanding and time-consuming. On top of this, the results rarely match up to professional lawn care.

Under these circumstances, it’s no surprise that many local homeowners are hiring lawn care services like Lawn Doctor of Middletown-Groton-Tolland-Torrington. In doing so, they’re saving themselves tons of time. Meanwhile, their turf gets the precise care it needs for lush growth and healthy roots.

DIY vs. Professional Lawn Care in Middletown

More Time to Enjoy the Outdoors

DIY Lawn Care: Many homeowners in Middletown have trouble finding time to care for their lawn. Others end up spending the most pleasant days of spring, summer, and fall tending to their turf, leaving little time to properly enjoy the outdoors.

Pro Lawn Care: By hiring our professional lawn care services, you don’t need to worry about finding time for fertilization, weeding, or tree/shrub care. Things get even easier if you choose an annual plan, which ensures year-round care for your yard.

Greener, Stronger, Healthier Turf

DIY Lawn Care: Unless you’re blessed with a green thumb, growing lush, green turf is tough work. While most homeowners can achieve relatively healthy grass, most DIYers end up with somewhat uneven growth or have trouble maintaining healthy turf.

Pro Lawn Care: With our professional lawn care services, homeowners in Middletown can easily achieve a lush, green lawn. Our expertise sets us apart from other local lawn care services, ensuring your grass gets the precise nutrients and T.L.C. it needs to thrive.

Heal Struggling Sections of Grass

DIY Lawn Care: If you’re looking at sections of patchy, sparse, brittle, or yellowing grass, you might not know how to fix the problem. In fact, you might have trouble figuring out the root cause of the problem in the first place.

Pro Lawn Care: At Lawn Doctor of Middletown-Groton-Tolland-Torrington, we make it easy to diagnose and heal struggling sections of turf. Our experts can quickly determine the cause of poor growth, and we offer a wide range of solutions to correct issues with fertilization, moisture levels, and soil quality.

Fewer Invasive Plants and Pests

DIY Lawn Care: A wide range of weeds and outdoor pests call Middletown home. Many local homeowners struggle to get rid of these invaders. Even worse, you can easily damage your lawn’s turf by using the wrong weed control or pest control products.

Pro Lawn Care: Our professional lawn care services include targeted treatments for broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, mosquitoes, and ticks. What’s more, we offer annual weed control and pest control programs to shield your home turf against infestation.

Call (203) 951-3221 today to learn more about our professional lawn care services in Middletown, CT and request a FREE estimate.