4 Problems Our Lawncare Service in Tolland Can Solves

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawncare Service in Tolland

Problem-solving is one of the many strengths of our lawncare service in Tolland. At Lawn Doctor of Middletown-Groton-Tolland-Torrington, we rely on our innovative tools, wealth of knowledge, and years of experience to remedy lawn-related problems and help homeowners find relief from the pesky issues plaguing their outdoor spaces.

Our Lawncare Service Tackles a Range of Lawn Problems

While we can solve a huge variety of problems in your yard, these are some of the most common issues homeowners ask us to help out with:

  • Sparse growth. If bald spots are an eyesore on your lawn, reseeding it can resolve the issue. Of course, your turf won’t look as lush or even as you hope if seeding is not done with precision. That’s why it’s best to trust our team and our Turf Tamer® equipment, which ensures full coverage and beautiful results.
  • Fading or discoloration. Problems with the color of your grass can stem from a number of issues such as nutrient imbalances or lawn diseases. As it can be challenging for homeowners to pinpoint the cause of an off color on their own, we recommend enlisting our experts to conduct a thorough investigation to identify and then treat the issue at hand.
  • Puddling and drainage issues. Puddles that appear on your lawn are a sign of drainage problems and could point to the need for soil aeration. When soil is too densely packed, the water has nowhere to go. We relieve dense soil of compaction through professional core aeration, removing plugs of dirt and thatch to help both moisture and air circulate more freely underground.
  • Sickly looking trees or shrubs. No matter how great your grass looks, if your trees or shrubs look weak or unhealthy, the contrast will be difficult to ignore. We can help ensure your landscape as a whole is in a peak state of health through professional tree and shrub care.

Transform Your Lawn With Our Lawncare Service in Tolland

If you are frustrated with how your lawn looks and want to finally see it grow into its full potential, call on us to resolve the problems that are hindering its health and marring its appearance. We proudly care for local lawns in the communities of:

  • Tolland
  • Middletown
  • Groton
  • Torrington
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For a lawncare service in Tolland,contact us today!