3 Secrets for Growing Green Grass in Middletown

Male Lawn Doctor employee wheeling a turf tamer machine over the lawn

When your grass is pale, faded, brown, or yellow, this is a sign that something is missing. When you are going for green grass that remains vibrant from season to season, it can be frustrating to constantly wake up to a discolored lawn. Fortunately, you don’t have to continue struggling with the color of your grass or wondering what you’re doing wrong. Just trust Lawn Doctor of Middletown-Groton-Tolland-Torrington to give your landscape the TLC it needs to produce a greener, healthier color that makes your home look better than ever.

How to Improve Grass Health and Color

The secrets to growing green grass revolve around improving the health of your lawn. When it’s healthy, it can undergo the photosynthesis process that produces chlorophyll, the compound responsible for the green color of plants.

Here are the techniques we use to support turf health and enhance the vibrancy of local lawns:

  • Aerating compacted soil. When your soil is compacted, nutrients, water, and even air can’t reach the grassroots deep underground. That’s why it is so important to have your lawn aerated, which will break up compressed soil and offer a looser, healthier environment for grass to take root in.
  • Balancing the health of your soil. Another way to ensure grass has a solid foundation for green growth is to test the pH of the soil. If it is overly acidic or too far on the alkaline side of the spectrum, our professionals can bring it back into balance with a special treatment.
  • Increasing access to nitrogen. Did you know nitrogen is a macronutrient that helps plants take on their green hue? With ongoing fertilization services delivered by our experts, you can trust that your grass is receiving a balanced diet and has consistent access to the nitrogen it needs to remain a stunning shade of green.

Enjoy Green Grass in Middletown With Our Experts’ Support

You deserve to have a green lawn that inspires envy in your neighbors. Rather than fighting to solve the riddle of your yard’s health on your own, enlist the assistance of our experienced lawn care team.

We help bring green grass to homeowners across our local community, including those who reside in:

  • Middletown
  • Groton
  • Tolland
  • Torrington
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For green grass in Middletown, contact us today!