Grub Control in Marietta: Stop the Damage Early

Grub Control in MariettaOut of all the threats your yard faces every year, grubs are some of the most destructive. When these pests are left to wreak havoc on your yard, they can do a lot of damage in little time. But because grubs hang out underneath your lawn’s surface, identifying infestations and neutralizing them on your own can be tough to do. At Lawn Doctor of Marietta, we utilize top-notch grub control treatments to quickly identify infestations, eliminate them, and prevent them from coming back and damaging your yard in the future.

How Grubs Damage Your Yard

To understand just how much damage grubs can cause, it’s important to know how they get into your yard in the first place. Rather than creeping into your yard all on their own, grubs hatch on your property. Grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles. Beetles, unlike some other insects, prefer to lay their eggs underneath your lawn’s surface. Grubs will emerge from these eggs and use your root systems as a food source while they grow and develop. By chewing through the root systems supporting your grass and other plants, grubs can quickly kill off entire sections of your lawn.

Our Grub Control in Marietta

To keep your yard protected from grubs and prevent them from coming back, a multistep approach is essential. Here’s a quick overview of the steps our team takes to help you keep your yard protected from these destructive pests:

Fighting Active Grubs

If you have an active grub infestation on your hands, addressing it as quickly as possible is crucial. At Lawn Doctor of Marietta, we’ll kick off the grub control process with a comprehensive analysis of your yard. We’ll track down any present grubs by searching for the presence of beetles, thinning grass, and other common grub signs. Once we find these pests, we’ll apply our grub treatments to quickly address them before they’re able to cause any further damage. To repair any damage they’ve caused already, we’ll use our range of proven lawn services.

Preventative Grub Control

To keep grubs out, an ongoing approach is crucial. With our preventative grub treatments, we’ll maintain your yard’s defenses against grubs and prevent these harmful insects from showing up in your yard in the future.

We offer comprehensive grub control to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Marietta
  • East Cobb
  • Fair Oaks
  • West Hampton
  • Mount Bethel
  • Chattahoochee Plantation
  • Sandy Plains
  • Macland Crossing
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grub control in Marietta, contact us today!