Spring Lawn Care in Madison: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Madison

You’ve got a lot on your plate this season and your lawn is likely last on your list. But if you don’t give it any care and attention now, it could suffer in the future. Instead, let the team at Lawn Doctor of Madison help. We’re a top provider for spring lawn care across the Madison, WI area and know not only what your turf needs then, but now too so it stays strong during adverse weather. Here are a few ways to do that.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Since your lawn is dormant, it’s also more brittle, sensitive, and weak. But by taking some simple lawn care steps, you can protect it during this vulnerable time of year in the Madison area, so it rebounds more easily in spring. This includes with:

Minimizing traffic on your lawn. Whether it’s with people or vehicles, try to stay off your lawn as much as you can. Heavy usage leads to breakage that can’t be repaired since your grass is dormant.

Make sure your lawn is clean and clear. While you raked up all those leaves in fall, there still might be some stragglers on your lawn. Likewise, twigs, branches, and other debris can easily get into your yard at this time of year, sitting on it and suffocating it in the process.

Don’t let salt damage your lawn. Salt can protect your family from slips and falls, but it strips moisture from the soil, causing issues over time. So if you do salt, handle the job with care, applying small amounts and avoiding the edges, near grass.

How Our Madison Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

While you handle the steps above, Lawn Doctor of Madison can work with you to ensure your turf has the care it needs to stand tough against harsh Wisconsin winter weather and rebound beautifully in spring. We offer a range of individual seasonal treatments, from fertilization to organic-based weed control, as well as annual programs, like Lawn Maintainer, for ongoing care, from one month to the next. Whatever your vision or budget, we’ve got the solutions your turf needs today, tomorrow and in the future!

For spring lawn care in Madison, WI, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including in Sun Prairie, Middleton, Janesville, Verona, Stoughton, and Fitchburg.