lawn weed control service in Madison, WI

Lawn Doctor provides a wide variety of lawn maintenance plans for customers throughout Janesville, WI. We offer flexible scheduling, several different service plans, and custom options to suit your budget and lifestyle.

Lawn Service Done Right

After performing a complimentary lawn care evaluation, our friendly staff will make recommendations for you and assist you in choosing the lawn service plan that suits your Janesville home best. We offer environmentally friendly options if you prefer natural lawn care, and we also offer a full range of pest control options. Our exclusive Turf Tamer® equipment allows us to evenly fertilize and treat each inch of a lawn for beautiful results every time.

Whether you need a lawn care package to improve your home's aesthetics or you want a safe, healthy lawn for your children to play on, Lawn Doctor in Janesville offers a plan that's right for you. Our business is locally owned and operated, and we know the fastest way to a healthy green lawn. Contact us when you're ready to schedule an appointment.

Call 563-690-5296 to schedule your FREE instant evaluation today.