Lawn Weed Control in Madison: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in MadisonIt’s spring and your grass is growing and greening up. What can you do to get it on track for a healthier season this year? One critical aspect homeowners from Madison, MS and the neighboring areas need to focus on is lawn weed control. These plants are persistent, competing with grass for vital nutrients, space, and other resources. That’s why gaining the upper hand fast and early is so important. To help you do that, here are a few important considerations:

  • Poor soil quality contributes to weed growth. A pH imbalance or nutrient deficiency puts grass at risk for more weeds. So test your soil and assess conditions. If needed, apply lime amendments. Also, once you know where your yard is lacking nutritionally, you can fill any gaps with a high-quality fertilizer.
  • How you mow matters. As you’re getting your mower ready, make sure you keep blade settings higher. How short you should cut depends on the grass varieties in your lawn, but a good rule is to never remove more than one-third of the total height. This promotes healthier, thicker blades, enabling grass to choke out young weeds.
  • Watering deeply produces stronger roots. When the weather is dry, it’s tempting to water your lawn a little each day. However, this promotes shallow root development. Instead, when you need to irrigate, give your lawn about an inch of water once a week. This will penetrate into the soil – below the root zone – encouraging roots to grow deeply.
  • Pre-treating early makes a big difference. When you target young weeds still developing underground, they’re not only more vulnerable, but they’ll never make an appearance in your lawn. The best approach is to apply a pre-emergent lawn weed control product during the Madison area’s early spring season, prior to germination.

Madison’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Work to Us!

There’s a lot to take into account when it comes to treating your lawn. If you’d like help with the job, turn to the weed control experts at Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland. We can create a custom plan, complete with pre- and post-emergent applications, timed just right for better control. All our treatments are also delivered using state-of-the-art, proprietary equipment designed for even coverage and the most consistent results. In fact, we guarantee them.

Call (601) 829-0044 today for a free consultation and estimate of our lawn weed control services, offered in and around Madison, as well as Flowood, Brandon, Ridgeland, and other surrounding communities.