Lawn Weed Control Service in Kilgore

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in Kilgore

Are you doing your best to maintain a weed-free lawn, only to have your neighbor’s weeds migrate over anyway? Our lawn weed control service in Kilgore deals with this common issue often, and we’d like to offer a few suggestions for some things you can try on your own to deal with the problem.

A Few DIY Steps To Mitigate Weed Migration

The easiest DIY steps you can take to prevent weed migration center around border control. These include:

Planting hedges. When thick, evergreen hedges are placed along your property line, they can be a very effective in preventing both wind-blown and root-spreading weeds, with the added benefit of providing attractive additional privacy.

Fencing. While open fencing like chain link or horse fencing won’t help, a good privacy fence is another way to effectively prevent both kinds of spreading weeds.

Edging. You can purchase landscape edging from the local hardware store that you drive into the ground along your property line. This is a good way to keep out root spreading weeds.

Why Our Professional Lawn Weed Control Service is the Easy Choice

At Lawn Doctor of Longview-Kilgore we provide professional lawn care services, including weed control, that stand out from the competition. Our professional expert technicians are fully trained in the science behind weed control and knowledgeable about all the common local species and how best to combat them.

When you choose our team for your lawn weed control service in Kilgore, you get a locally owned and operated provider who offers:

Customized Treatment Plans. A strong treatment plan is the backbone of our weed control program. Our techs will identify the specific species of weeds invading your lawn and customize a plan for carefully-timed pre- and post-emergent treatments throughout the year.

A Customized Fertilization Program. A thick and healthy lawn is a natural barrier to weeds because they simply have no way to gain a foothold. Our expert local techs will perform an analysis of your soil and grass health and customize a fertilization program that will include the precise amounts of necessary nutrients you are currently lacking.

Exclusive, High-Tech Machinery. Our Turf Tamer® line of American-made machinery was made to ensure our treatments are all delivered with expert precision and care and is only available through Lawn Doctor of Longview-Kilgore.

Peace of Mind. When you choose us for your lawn weed control service you get peace of mind that your results are going to be exceptional because we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all our services.

Lawn Weed Control Service in the Kilgore Area

We’re pleased to offer our weed control and all our lawn care services to our neighbors throughout:

  • Kilgore
  • Longview
  • White Oak
  • Hallsville
  • Diana
  • Liberty City
  • And the surrounding area

To get started right away with our lawn weed control service in Kilgore, or to learn more about our other outstanding lawn care services, please contact us today.