Grass Care in Lago Vista: How To Make The Most of Your Treatments

Couple laying on Green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Lago Vista

For properties in Lago Vista, professional grass care can be the difference between a weed-filled yard and a beautiful, healthy lawn. That’s where our lawn care company can help! We offer customized treatments based on your turf’s needs, including comprehensive weed control, high-quality fertilization, and so much more.

If you’re the kind of homeowner who wants to make the most of your yard treatments, we can always help you with this extra credit work! Here are a few tips for getting started.

What To Do Between Grass Care Treatments 

There’s lots you can try between each expert treatment. That said, some measures will be more effective than others. Here’s what we recommend:

Consult your experts. Every lawn is different, with unique needs that depend on grass species and age, sunlight levels, soil composition, and so much more. That’s why it’s incredibly helpful to be able to turn to experts when you need advice. When you schedule grass care from our team, we can always provide additional input and tailored recommendations. We can let you know what steps make sense for your turf!

Consider drainage. If your yard is frequently soggy after rainfall or even an occasional watering, there may be underlying drainage problems at fault. Depending on how severe these drainage problems are, you may want to bring in a contractor to correct the problem. That said, the issue may be solved by something simple, like core aeration services from our company, so ask your lawn care team for their thoughts!

Think about a fall aerating. After a long hot summer, the soil becomes hard and compacted. This prevents air flow, root density and water runoff, resulting in a thin spotty lawn. The benefits of aeration, either mechanical or liquid, are to relieve soil compaction, help the lawn to recover from heat and drought stress, and prepare it for winter dormancy and greening up in the spring.

Get Started With Lago Vista’s Lawn Experts 

When you need grass care services, we can come to you! With expert technicians, a custom plan for each lawn, and a satisfaction guarantee, we’re proud to serve homes and businesses in:

  • Lago Vista
  • Cedar Park
  • Avery Ranch
  • Lake Travis
  • Leander
  • NW Austin
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Get year-round grass care services in Lago Vista! To set up an initial assessment, contact our team today.