Yard Care in Suwanee: Call Us For a Healthier Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Yard Care in Suwanee

When yard care feels like a challenge you think you’ll never overcome, call Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee to finally attain a healthy yard. Our services boost the health of your grass and leave it with a vibrant green color and plush feel.

Moreover, when you ask us to take over some of the more difficult parts of yard care, you’ll have more time to yourself, which means more time to enjoy your grass as it grows in lush and strong.

Our Yard Care Services Save You Time and Stress

We know that when you’re short on time and not quite sure of what your yard wants, lawn care can be a major source of stress. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of going through endless trial and error, get the results you’re after on the first go-round by placing the responsibility on the shoulders of our technicians.

Curious about the headaches we can save you from? Here are a few:

Trying to determine which fertilizer your lawn needs. Fertilizer formulas vary based on nutrient release rate and composition, and selecting the one that’s going to boost the health of your grass is essential, but not always easy. Leave it to us to figure out which nutrients your yard is hungering after before we apply the appropriate fertilizer formula with our expert strategies.

Assessing and balancing the pH of your lawn. Even if you go through the science experiment of conducting a pH test for your soil, you may be out of ideas about how to correct an improper pH. Our team can run a test to gain data on your soil’s condition and then balance it with a treatment that promotes grass health.

Making sure weeds don’t conquer your yard. Tired of spending your weekends fighting weeds? Some weeds are hard to control and can’t be controlled using the products you get at the store, requiring the use of specific products only available for professionals.  Our services, which include weed control and prevention, can prevent you from having to worry about weeds while also providing better results than you could achieve alone.

Turn to Us For Yard Care in Suwanee

The professional yard care your grass is craving is available from our local lawn care company! You can discover our wide range of services by contacting our team and requesting help with yard care in:

  • Suwanee
  • Lawrenceville
  • Or a town in the surrounding areas

To get started with professional yard care services in Suwanee, contact us today!