Why Professional Lawn Care in Suwanee Makes All the Difference for Your Yard

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing professional lawn care in SuwaneeThere are several different factors that determine your lawn’s overall health. If one of these factors is affected by common issues like lawn diseases or external threats, the rest can fall out of balance. Many homeowners don’t have the time or resources to address each and every one of these individual characteristics, which is why DIY lawn care routines often provide short-lived relief. At Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee, we utilize lawn care programs that utilize several different services to address all of the characteristics of your lawn’s health for complete car and long-lasting results. Our professional lawn care brings total coverage and improved overall health to lawns spanning the Suwanee and Lawrenceville, GA areas.

Our Professional Lawn Care Services in Suwanee

With our comprehensive approach to lawn care, we’re able to stop imbalances in their tracks, correct any existing issues, and promote long-term health in area lawns. Here are just a few of the many professional lawn care treatments we employ to keep Suwanee lawns green and growing throughout the year:

Core Aeration. Over time, the soil in your lawn can become compacted. Compacted soil can lead to a decline in your lawn’s health by stifling the circulation of nutrients, water, and oxygen that your plants need to survive. Our team restores this healthy circulation and frees up space for root development in the soil with our cutting-edge core aeration treatments. These treatments utilize core aerators to remove strategic soil sections and get your lawn back on track to growth.

Power Seeding. Conventional seeding treatments can fall short in several different ways, from timing issues to uneven applications. We maximize the efficiency of lawn seed and increase the density of your lawn’s turf by implementing our seeding treatments with our precision-driven power seeding equipment.

pH Balancing. When your lawn’s acidity levels rise or fall outside of the ideal range, it can turn your lawn into an environment that isn’t conducive go healthy growth. Out-of-balance acidity levels can inhibit your yard’s ability to effectively utilize nutrients, leading to stunted growth and increased susceptibility to common issues and external threats. Our pH balancing treatments restore this healthy balance for ongoing growth and improved overall composition.

Call Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee today at (678) 303-4061 for more information on how our professional lawn care plans help homeowners in Suwanee, Lawrenceville, and the surrounding communities.