Do I Need Tick Spraying in Lawrenceville? 3 Ways To Check For Ticks

Closeup picture of a tick before Lawn Doctor provided Tick Spraying in Lawrenceville

Ticks start appearing in Lawrenceville yards in the early spring and can be found there until early fall. Professional tick spraying is an excellent way for homeowners to keep tick populations in check. This can be an important protective measure for both your family and your pets.

How do you know if you have ticks on your property? Let’s take a closer look at how to detect these parasitic arachnids.

How To Check For Ticks In Lawrenceville Yards

First, it helps to know what a tick can look like. They can appear in all kinds of colors, but they’re tiny, flat, and shaped like ovals. If they’re on a host, they’ll start to crawl upwards, seeking a good spot.

Not sure if your yard has ticks? Here’s what our tick spraying experts recommend:

  • Check your pets. If your pets spend time in the yard, it’s a good idea to check them frequently for ticks. Run your hands over your pet’s coat using light pressure. If you notice hard bumps, investigate further. Ticks are particularly common around the ears, eyes, armpits, tail, and paws.
  • Try a drag test. Use a light-colored towel or sheet and drag it through your yard or any other areas where you think ticks may be congregating. Then, inspect the sheet carefully for ticks. They’ll usually crawl onto the cloth while you’re dragging it through the grass, making them easier to find.
  • Pull out a flashlight. Grab a flashlight with a strong, bright light, and comb through your yard manually. Dense grass and underbrush, leaf piles and other debris, and walls are all places where ticks may be found. Be sure to check trees and bushes as well.

Comprehensive Tick Spraying For Your Property 

If you’re concerned about ticks on your property, our experts in Lawrenceville can help. We provide fast and lasting results with our regular, detailed treatments, which include:

  • Prevention. We identify strategies to reduce long-term tick populations throughout your yard.
  • Treatment. Through tick spraying services, we keep these arachnids to a minimum.
  • Control. We can return throughout the tick season to re-apply treatment.

Enjoy Your Yard Throughout Tick Season 

We offer comprehensive, season-long tick spraying treatments for homeowners and businesses in:

  • Lawrenceville
  • Suwanee
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Comprehensive tick spraying makes it easier to enjoy your yard without worry. To get started, call Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee today!