Spring Lawn Care in Lawrenceville: Sign Up Now for Service

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Spring Lawn Care in Lawrenceville.Wondering when to sign up for spring lawn care services in Lawrenceville, Georgia? While many homeowners wait until the middle of spring (or even later), this can be risky for your turf. That’s why our lawn experts suggest signing up for a yard care plan as early as possible.

If you already have a lawn care provider, you can sign up for the next year at the end of each season in autumn. If you’re hiring a yard care service for the first time, we suggest signing up for service in the beginning of year, during the off-season.

Why the urgency? Here’s a quick explanation of why we make this recommendation.

Why Sign Up for Spring Lawn Care Early?

Prevention is the Best Strategy to Successfully Control Weeds

At Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee, we know how important pre-emergent herbicide application is to establish a good foundation to control weeds like crabgrass. Without pre-emergent treatment, thousands of weeds will germinate, grow and compete with your grass for food and water.

Applying the pre-emergent herbicide at the right time is critical to successfully block new weeds that pop up during spring and summer, and treatment must be applied weeks before the weeds germinate. If the application is done too late some weeds may have already germinated and the pre-emergent will not work.

Not all weeds can be controlled by pre-emergent application, but applying it will significantly reduce the population. An application of post-emergent herbicide treats the weeds that are dormant during winter, waiting for the right conditions to come back in the spring and early summer. Don’t worry we will be ready for them.

Fertilization is the Key to a Healthy Lawn

At Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee, we know how important fertilization is for growing healthy turf. Without the right nutrients, turf will struggle, resulting in thin, patchy, yellowy grass. What’s more, turf not only needs the right nutrients—it needs to have these nutrients applied at the right times of the year.

The right fertilization schedule for your yard will depend on your species of turf grass. However, for most lawns the first application should be performed in early spring. If you wait until the middle of spring to sign up for lawn care in Lawrenceville, you could end up missing the first fertilizer application.

In a best-case scenario, a missed treatment won’t inflict lasting damage to turf, but it may take longer for your grass to green up and come back from winter dormancy. It means you’ll be playing catch-up while your neighbors are growing healthy and beautiful yards.

In a worst-case scenario, a missed fertilizer treatment can highlight or worsen underlying issues with your yard. This can lead to long-lasting damage to the turf itself, soil erosion and compaction, or weed infestations.

The easiest way to avoid this is by signing up for spring lawn care early. If you sign up early, there’s no risk of missing your first set of treatments. At the same time, you won’t need to compete with the rest of the neighborhood when it comes time to book an estimate or schedule your treatments.

Lawn Maintainer in Lawrenceville

Want to simplify spring lawn care this year? In that case, you need our Lawn Maintainer program.

The Lawn Maintainer program includes a full year’s worth of lawn treatments for fertilization, weed control, and pre-emergent weed prevention. Simply sign up at the start of the season, and we’ll help you grow a thick, healthy, and weed-free lawn.

Our Lawn Maintainer program is available to families and homeowners in:

  • Lawrenceville
  • Suwanee
  • And the surrounding areas!

For spring lawn care in Lawrenceville, contact Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee today!