Fall Lawn Care in Lawrenceville

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn after Lawn Doctor provided Fall Lawn Care in LawrencevilleNow that you’ve made it through the heat of another summer, it’s time to turn your attention to fall lawn care. In Lawrenceville, that means making sure your soil has everything it needs to support fresh, full, and glossy grass growth next year. This is also a crucial time to remedy any of the damage done by extreme heat this summer.

At Lawn Doctor of Lawrenceville-Suwanee, we’re serious about fall lawn care because the work you put in this season has a major impact on the health and fullness of your lawn next spring and summer. In fact, this is probably the most important timeframe to tend to your land.

Mapping Out Your Fall Lawn Care in Lawrenceville

So where should you start with your fall lawn care in Lawrenceville? Let our local lawn care experts be your guide. As the temperatures start to drop and your lawn prepares to switch over from vibrant to dormant, our team recommends the following treatments:

Fertilization. By fertilizing your soil now, you can introduce more nutrients for your root system to draw from even in the depths of winter. Nitrogen is one of the most important minerals of lawn maintenance, so your fertilizer should be rich in it.

Fescue Lawns Power seeding and reseeding. Now is the perfect time to really inspect your property and look for any sparse or damaged areas that need to be filled in. We recommend power seeding because it’s efficient and allows the seeds to penetrate the soil more deeply.

Lawn aeration. Thatch buildup and compacted soil are common problems for local homeowners, especially after a summer of backyard barbecues and restless kids running around. This can prevent any of your other lawn care treatments from really taking hold. With lawn aeration, you can push through the thatch and into the soil to help air, water, and nutrients make their way down to the roots.

Winter protection for trees and shrubs. The cooler months can take a toll on certain trees, shrubs, and other plant life, so make sure your fall lawn care plan includes protective treatments. Our lawn care professionals can apply specific oils now to keep your trees from drying out over the winter.

Fall pre-emergent herbicide. Applying preemergent herbicide in the Fall prevents weeds from taking over your lawn during winter and early spring. This is critical in preventing Poa Annua, a hard-to-kill winter grassy weed that grows during winter and early spring and will compete with your grass for nutrients, making it difficult for warm season grasses like Bermuda to green up in the spring.

Contact Your Resident Lawn Care Experts in the Lawrenceville Area

Need help with your fall lawn care? Our team provides custom lawn care services across Lawrenceville, Suwanee, and throughout the surrounding area.

For fall lawn care in Lawrenceville, contact us today!