Residential Lawn Care in Palatine: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Palatine

When it comes to your lawn, it needs care rooted in facts, not fake news. However, there are a range of residential lawn care myths that homeowners from Palatine to Lake Zurich and other nearby areas in IL subscribe to. To make sure you avoid them, here’s a look at four and why they’re not true.

Myth #1: Spiked shoes can stop soil compaction.

If you think wearing spiked shoes will aerate your lawn as you’re mowing, think again. There is no evidence these shoes work, so they are actually a time-waster. Some can even make compaction worse. Avoid this altogether and get your lawn professionally aerated by a residential lawn care company in the Palatine area.

Myth #2: It doesn’t matter when you fertilize, as long as you do it.

False. “When” you fertilize is just as important as “what” you fertilize with. For instance, after a long, cold, stressful winter in the Palatine area, your grass needs a boost in the early spring, once it’s out of dormancy, so it can repair winter damage and grow back green and strong. On the other hand, if you fertilize at the wrong time of year, such as during the height of summer, you can actually damage your grass.

Myth #3: If you notice a grub, you have a grub issue.

One grub doesn’t mean you have a problem and that it’s time to panic. It’s normal to have a few. If you’re concerned, test for them by digging out a patch of grass that is 3-5 inches across and 3-5 inches deep. If there are more than five grubs in that test area, then it’s time for treatment.

Myth #4: Beer and other tonics are good for grass. 

There are claims that tonics like beer, cola, hydrogen peroxide, and even dish soap are good for lawns because they increase microbial activity. The problem? There’s no proof they actually do anything to improve color and health. Plus, ingredients like yeast and sugar can actually harm your grass by promoting the growth of fungus and the spread of diseases.

Ready for Residential Lawn Care from Palatine’s Experts?

If you’re tired of going it alone with lawn care, turn to the residential service trusted in Palatine, Barrington, and surrounding areas: Lawn Doctor of Buffalo Grove-Lake Zurich-Northbrook. With help from our team, your lawn will be treated in a way that is backed by science plus years of experience. At the same time, we use top-quality products and cutting-edge equipment you can’t get on your own.

You can skip hacks that don’t work and shortcuts that cause damage, and just get a lawn you love in:

  • Palatine
  • Lake Zurich
  • Buffalo Grove
  • Barrington
  • Northbrook
  • Highland Park
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us today to find out more about residential lawn care in Palatine, IL.