Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in La Grange Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in La GrangeWhen weeds start creeping into your lawn, getting them back out can be tricky. There is a long list of different kinds of weeds, and each comes with their own characteristics to address. Because of this, effective weed control requires a comprehensive approach. At Lawn Doctor of La Grange-Willowbrook, we bring our neighboring homeowners comprehensive lawn weed control treatments that attack weeds at several different angles and provides lasting results. Our technicians are local experts, and we use our area expertise to effectively identify and drive out any invasive plants in your home’s outdoor areas. Homeowners all over the La Grange, Hinsdale, Westmont, Willowbrook, and Burr Ridge, IL areas depend on our weed control programs for better-looking lawns throughout the entire year.

How We Use Lawn Weed Control in La Grange Area

Different lawns in La Grange have different needs, which is one of the reasons why store-bought lawn weed control treatments often fall flat. Many weed control products only treat surface weeds, or treat several different kinds of weeds at the risk of compromising the health of your grass and soil. When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of La Grange-Willowbrook, you’re working with leaders in the lawn care industry, and we utilize our industry know-how to provide great results without putting the rest of your lawn at risk.

There are many types of lawn weeds, but they can essentially be broken down into two main categories, here they are:

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds, because of their dense stem and root systems, can be tricky to completely remove for the average homeowner. These underground networks can allow grassy weeds to regenerate if the entire plant isn’t removed. To take away this regenerative ability and rid your lawn of these unsightly weeds, we employ our advanced pre-emergent lawn weed control treatments  from Lawn Doctor of La Grange-Willowbrook. These treatments target grassy weeds underground stems to maximize results. Here are some common grassy weeds to watch out for:

  • Bermudagrass
  • Ryegrass
  • Goosegrass
  • Crabgrass

Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds have a resilient construction, which can make driving them out a difficult task. With our dedicated broadleaf weed control treatments, our technicians effectively and safely eradicate broadleaf weeds and prevent them from spreading throughout your lawn. There is a long list of common broadleaf weeds, here are a few of them:

  • Dandelion
  • Chickweed
  • Plantain
  • Thistle

Call Lawn Doctor of La Grange-Willowbrook today at (630) 912-0074 for more information on how our lawn weed control solutions help yards in La Grange, Hinsdale, Westmont, Willowbrook, Burr Ridge, and the surrounding communities.