Residential Lawn Care in New Caney: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in New Caney

When residential lawn care is based on scientific principles and in-depth experience, you can expect it to work. However, if you’ve been caring for your lawn in New Caney according to advice you’ve acquired from dubious sources, you may not achieve the results you’ve hoped for. Our team at Lawn Doctor of Kingwood-Humble understands that what you want is a lawn that is healthy and beautiful. We’re here to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams. We work in New Carey and nearby communities, delivering high-quality lawn care services that take the guesswork out of nurturing your turf.

Exposing Widespread Residential Lawn Care Myths

Do you know whether your lawn care techniques are based on fact or fiction? Check this list of myths that we’ve busted and see whether any of these practices are part of your routine:

  • Myth #1: You don’t need to know your grass type to properly care for your lawn. In actuality, your grass type will determine when and how you should be caring for your turf. That’s why we create a customized plan of care based on your specific grass type and conditions.
  • Myth #2: Fertilization once or twice a year is best. Your lawn needs the right nutrients in the right amounts at the right time. Access to nitrogen, phosphorus, and other micro and macronutrients is essential to maintaining a healthy lawn all year long. Fertilizing it a couple of times per year will deprive your lawn of these essential nutrients for much of the year. Turning to our team to fertilize your lawn can ensure that your lawn receives the treatments it is craving at exactly the right intervals.
  • Myth #3: Pulling weeds is a great way to stop them from spreading. When you pull weeds by hand, you may unknowingly leave behind small parts of the plant, such as sections of root. These bits can develop into full-blown weeds later on. That’s why we utilize pre-emergent and post-emergent treatments as part of our multi-step weed control approach rather than relying on hand pulling.
  • Myth #4: Lawns need only mowing and water to be healthy. A healthy lawn needs proper nutrition, just like you do. Problems like disease or insects can invade any lawn, so it helps to know what you are looking for to avoid these potentially devastating invasions. Our technicians have extensive training to identify and treat all threats that are common to our area.

Making Residential Lawn Care Easier For Homeowners in New Caney

If you want to have a healthy lawn but aren’t sure where to begin, look to our customized treatments and service plans. Our technicians know exactly how to bring your lawn to life and keep it that way.  We would love to partner with you on the care of your lawn in:

  • New Caney
  • Kingwood
  • Humble
  • Porter
  • Huffman
  • Crosby
  • Splendora

For residential lawn care in New Caney, contact us today!