Fall Lawn Care in Kingsport: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in KingsportLong, hot Tennessee summers might be fun for you and your family. But for your grass, they’re a time of stress. What can you do to help it recover and get ready for winter, so it dazzles next spring? It’s simpler than you think. As leading fall lawn care experts in the Kingsport, TN area, Lawn Doctor of the Tri-Cities knows that by taking these steps before your yard goes dormant, you’ll set it up for future health and beauty:

Mowing. During the fall, keep up with regular cuts, never removing more than a third of the grass length at a time. If you end up cutting off more than that, it can cause added stress in your lawn, making it more vulnerable during winter and heading into spring.

Aerating and seeding. Fall is an ideal time in the Kingsport area to add aerating and seeding to your lawn care list. When you do, the holes created by the aeration process allow for more water, air, and nutrient absorption. This gives your lawn a boost, while seeding improves turf density, thickening your yard overall.

Fertilizing. Now is the time to fertilize your grass before winter frost hits. This provides necessary energy to bounce back after the heat and drought of summer and build up defenses and food reserves before winter. Your lawn will be more resilient as a result.

Raking. Don’t let fallen leaves put your yard at risk for an infection, such as a fungal disease, or an insect infestation. Instead, rake regularly, around once a week, to limit the threat and also ensure plenty of sunlight is reaching grass.

Let Kingsport’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

If your turf needs a boost before winter and you don’t have time to give it, turn to the fall lawn care experts trusted all over the Kingsport area: Lawn Doctor of the Tri-Cities. We can deliver a range of customized treatments to help it bounce back and grow in stronger than ever next spring. You simply handle routine maintenance, like mowing, and we’ll ensure your lawn has everything else to become the envy of the block.

Get started today by contacting us for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Kingsport, Johnson City, Bristol, Blountville, Piney Flats, Jonesborough, Gray, and Elizabethton, TN areas.