Spring Lawn Care in Keller: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman on green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Keller

Keller might not experience the harsh winter weather that other parts of the country do. However, the season can still affect the health and appearance of your turf in a negative way if you’re not careful. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth comes in. As a top choice for local homeowners across the Keller, TX area for spring lawn care, we know how to treat your turf now for a healthier, more robust rebound in the next growing season. Here’s what to do.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Grass in winter isn’t as resilient as during other seasons since energy is being redirected down into the root system. That’s why it’s more susceptible to injury and damage and why it’s important to:

Clean it up. Make sure anything sitting on top of your grass is cleared away. This includes leaves, branches, wood piles, toys, and any other clutter. When they remain on your lawn, they keep wetness in, while stopping air and sunlight from getting to grass. This can invite diseases and pests to spread.

Keep it hydrated. Your lawn doesn’t need near the level of water it does when it’s actively growing. However, if temperatures don’t fall below freezing and there’s not any snow or frost, it can get dehydrated. So check the soil every so often during the winter and water if needed.

Protect your turf. Since grass is fragile, it’s more prone to injury, which is why it’s important to limit foot traffic. Try to stay off your lawn as much as possible and don’t drive equipment or vehicles over it.

How Our Keller Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

In addition to the lawn care steps above, consult with professionals like those at Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth to help your yard return better than ever next spring. With a range of seasonal treatments, like fertilization and weed control, or annual care through one of our ongoing programs, we can give your turf, trees, and shrubs all they need to stay healthy and strong this season and come back to life in the next!

For spring lawn care in Keller, TX, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including in NW Fort Worth, Southlake, and Haslet.