Lawn Weed Control in Keller: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in KellerDid your lawn erupt last year in a sea of dandelions? Do you want to avoid the same fate this spring? You need a plan. With an effective lawn weed control strategy in Keller, NW Fort Worth, TX and beyond, you can stop invaders of all kinds and set your yard up for excellent growth in the months ahead. If you’re not sure where to begin, here are some steps to take today for more beauty and fewer weeds in the future:

  • Conduct a soil test. When it comes to effective lawn weed control, the spring season in the Keller area is a great time to check the soil and ensure the pH level is balanced and the nutrient content is optimal. If they’re not, address these issues with lime amendments and fertilization.
  • Check for compaction. While grass doesn’t like dense soil, many weeds can tolerate it, leading to a higher population. Fix the issue by aerating your lawn, a technique that cores out small soil plugs, creating avenues for air, water, and nutrients to circulate to roots. Before you aerate, though, ensure that grass is actively growing so it can recover faster.
  • Treat lawn weeds. Your approach depends on the type of weeds, as well as the grasses in your lawn. If you’re already seeing them above the surface, then it’s too late for a pre-emergent product. These are effective only prior to germination. However, a post-emergent product will effectively suppress a variety of different kinds. Just make sure you read the instructions and apply the right product at the recommended rates and times.
  • Maintain a healthy lawn. Going forward, how you maintain your lawn will have a big impact on weeds. For instance, keep grass blades longer each time you mow so they can produce more energy and grow vigorously. When they stand taller, they’ll also be able to shade and suppress developing weed seedlings, providing a more natural form of control.

Keller’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Work to Us!

If you’d rather leave lawn weed control in the hands of experts, connect with Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth. We know treatment can get complicated, especially when you’re noticing many weed types or there are underlying factors to investigate and deal with. The good news is that once you hand it off to us, you can rest assured we’ll get it done right. You’ll see a lawn with more thickness, better color, and fewer weeds, guaranteed.

Call Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth at (817) 577-1405 today to schedule your free consultation and learn more about the lawn weed control services we offer in and around the Keller, NW Fort Worth, Southlake, and Haslet, TX areas.