Lawn Maintenance in Jacksonville Beach: Tips for Thicker Growth

Images of a couple with lawn doctor board

Thick, healthy grass is one of the clearest signs of a lawn that has been maintained well. However, there’s a long list of different factors that can stand in the way of growing a lawn that’s lush and strong, which is why doing so requires some key know-how and a dedicated approach. So what are the steps toward achieving a lush, green lawn? Below, we’ll take a closer look at the steps involved in achieving a thicker lawn and how our team of lawn maintenance experts help Jacksonville Beach area residents get the job done right.

3 Essential Lawn Maintenance Tips for Thicker Grass Growth

There’s a lot that goes into achieving and maintaining thicker grass. Let’s take a closer look at some key steps in the lawn maintenance process and how our team in Jacksonville Beach can help:

1. Fertilize Effectively

Without the right nutrition, your yard will have a difficult time producing healthy grass growth through the seasons. Fertilizers that are rich in phosphorous are ideal for growing thicker roots and stronger grass, but this nutrient needs to be balanced with potassium, nitrogen, and the other nutrients needed to support your yard’s overall health. With the comprehensive fertilization treatments we offer at Lawn Doctor of Jacksonville-Southside-The Beaches, we’ll effectively balance these nutrients in a way that boosts thicker grass growth while keeping your yard healthy.

2. Get Rid of Weeds

On top of holding your lawn back from looking its best, weeds hold back your lawn’s health by hoarding the resources your grass needs to thrive. But fighting weeds on your own can be a tough job. By utilizing a multi-step approach and some of the most advanced weed control products in the industry, our team is able to quickly and effectively eliminate both pre-emergent and active weeds.

3. Take Care of Your Soil

Without healthy soil, it’s extremely difficult to grow healthy grass. One of the most important parts of maintaining a healthy lawn is making sure that its pH levels fall within the healthy balance. With our pH balancing service, we’ll make the necessary adjustments to your lawn’s acidity levels to create an environment where your grass can thrive.

With our proven lawn maintenance solutions, our team brings thicker grass to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Jacksonville Beach
  • Neptune Beach
  • Atlantic Beach
  • Southside
  • Fernandina Beach
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn maintenance in Jacksonville Beach, contact us today!