Tick Control in Mandarin

Tick found prior to providing Tick Control in Mandarin

When it comes to outdoor pests, there are few animals more dangerous than ticks. As carriers of illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ticks can send you or a loved one to the hospital with a single bite. That’s where our Yard Armour® tick control service can make a big difference for families in Mandarin. By keeping ticks out of your backyard, we can dramatically reduce the risk of catching a tick-borne illness.

Looking for tips on how to stay protected against ticks this year? Below, our tick control experts in Mandarin offer suggestions that you and your family can use.

Tick Prevention Tips from Our Experts in Mandarin

Wear the Right Clothing. If you’re spending time in an area where there could be ticks, your clothes are your first line of defense. Long sleeves and full-length pants will reduce the amount of skin that ticks can bite, and you can tuck your pants into your socks to stop ticks from crawling inside.

Apply Tick Repellent. In addition to wearing the right clothes, you can reduce your risk of tick bites by applying tick repellent. Effective repellents for ticks include one of the following three ingredients: DEET, permethrin, or picaridin.

Steer Clear of Overgrowth. Ticks thrive in overgrown areas, such as long grass or brush. You can reduce your risk of tick bites by simply avoiding these areas. Stick to paths and trails, and avoid contact with vegetation.

Check for Ticks After Time Outdoors. After spending time outside, you’ll want to check your clothes and then yourself thoroughly for signs of ticks. You can also wash clothes on high heat to get rid of unwanted hitchhikers. If you find a tick on yourself, remove it with tweezers as early as possible.

Protect Your Backyard. Keeping your backyard in the Mandarin area protected against ticks will create a safer space where you and your family can enjoy the outdoors. Routine lawn maintenance and landscaping changes can help discourage ticks. You can then neutralize any remaining tick hotspots with tick control treatments.

Get Started with Yard Armour Tick Control

Lawn Doctor of South Jacksonville-St. Johns makes tick control easy for homeowners in the Mandarin area. We work with homeowners to help make yards more resilient against ticks, and we use a proven treatment product to neutralize tick breeding and nesting areas.

Our Yard Armour tick control plans are available in:

  • Mandarin
  • St. Augustine
  • South Jacksonville
  • Switzerland
  • Fruit Cove
  • St. Johns
  • Surrounding areas

For tick control in Mandarin, contact Lawn Doctor of South Jacksonville-St. Johns today!