Fall Lawn Care in Jackson: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in JacksonWhen the temperatures start to dip and winter is on its way, there are a handful of specific tasks that need to be completed to effectively prepare your lawn for the winter. At Lawn Doctor of Lakewood-Jackson-Howell, we offer our customers comprehensive programs to keep their lawns healthy until spring returns. With our fall lawn care in Jackson, Lakewood, Howell, New Egypt, Freehold, and Cream Ridge, NJ, our team helps lawns make it through the winter with their health intact.

How Our Fall Lawn Care Keeps Jackson Lawns Healthy Year-Round

Depending on the current state of your lawn’s health, there can be several different services needed to get your lawn back on track and healthy before winter hits. Taking on the task of applying all of these treatments on your own can be a headache, especially when you’re already on a busy schedule.

With our hassle-free applications and flexible treatment options, we get local lawns geared up for winter without the headaches. Here are a few of the treatments we utilize in our fall lawn care programs:

Fertilization. Fertilization is an essential part of maintaining your lawn’s health throughout the entire year, but the stresses of winter warrant additional applications. Winter can be tough on your yard, and it can require more nutrients to stay healthy through the lower temperatures and shortened daylight hours. With our fertilization treatments, we’ll boost your lawn’s nutrient density and give it the nutrition it needs to stay healthy through the winter months.

Power Seeding. Thin patches, bald spots, and discolored areas can make your lawn more vulnerable to winter weather. Our team utilizes advanced power seeding treatments to remedy these blemished areas and bring your lawn back to a thick, even composition that will be more resilient to winter weather.

Core Aeration. Soil can become compacted throughout the year due to a long list of reasons, and it can take a heavy toll on your lawn’s overall health. Our core aeration treatments will break apart compacted soil and restore the healthy circulation of nutrients, oxygen, and water that it will need to stay healthy until warmer weather returns.

Call Lawn Doctor of Lakewood-Jackson-Howell today at (732) 928-6736 for additional information on the fall lawn care services we offer to our neighbors in Jackson, Lakewood, Howell, New Egypt, Freehold, Cream Ridge, and the surrounding communities.