Fall Lawn Care in Hot Springs: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Hot SpringsTemperatures will be dropping and life is transitioning from summer fun to fall activities. As you get ready for a change in seasons, is your lawn prepared to survive winter and come out thriving next spring? If you’re not sure, Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs can help. As the area experts in fall lawn care, we know what your turf needs over the next several months to help it recover from summer stress and gear up for the winter. Here’s a look at a few critical steps to take:

Fertilize your lawn. More than anything, your grass needs energy in the autumn season. It took a beating during summer with all that foot traffic, heat, drought, and other adverse conditions. Now it must gear up for the winter ahead. Fertilization and a fall pre-emergent will provide the necessary nutrients to strengthen roots, improve winter hardiness and minimize the weeds during this period.

Keep on watering. Your grass requires around an inch of water each week to thrive. If the local rainfall in the area isn’t cutting it during the fall, then add watering onto your lawn care to-do list. This will ensure your yard gets adequate moisture as winter rolls in so it’s not dried out and damaged.

Continue to mow through the season. To maintain good health, your grass still needs regular cuts. Bermuda, St. Augustine and Centipede need to be cut at the highest setting on your mower. Zoysia should be cut at the middle setting.  This will help the grass stay healthier throughout the fall and winter months.

Let Hot Springs’ Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Don’t have time for all the steps above? Not to worry. The fall lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs are here to help. While you keep up with mowing and watering, we can get to work inspecting your turf to determine its condition and what it needs for summer repair and winter readiness. With our help, it will make the most beautiful comeback yet in the spring ahead.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs at (501) 609-0055 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Hot Springs, Arkadelphia, Malvern, Hot Springs Village, and Glenwood, AR areas.