Spring Lawn Care in Hillsborough: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips         

Woman on green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Hillsborough

This winter, don’t make your lawn fend for itself. Ensure that it has the nutrients and protection it needs to be able to thrive come springtime. At Lawn Doctor of Hillsborough-Mebane, we understand that in order for spring lawn care efforts to be successful, proper winter lawn care is key. We offer a wide range of winter and spring lawn care services, as well as year-round programs, for homeowners in Hillsborough, Bahama, Graham, Mebane, Roxboro, and nearby towns.

Laying the Foundation for Successful Hillsborough Spring Lawn Care

If you’re not sure how to help your yard stay healthy this winter, we can help. Our lawn care experts understand the ins and outs of local weather patterns, grass types, weed issues, and more. We can create a year-round lawn care plan that ensures your turf is primed to thrive in all seasons.

Take a look at just a few of our recommendations for winter lawn care:

Prioritize lawn aeration. Lawn aeration is so important because it increases airflow throughout the soil and helps plant roots maintain access to oxygen, water, nutrients, and heat. Our lawn aeration process eliminates compaction by removing soil plugs and breaking up compressed soil.

Focus on fertilization. Winter fertilization shouldn’t be skipped, as it’s an essential step for ensuring that your turf can store up nutrients for spring. In addition, fertilizer helps promote plant health and increases the chances that your yard will remain resistant to diseases over the winter.

Spot treat weeds. It’s easy to try to put off taking care of your weed problem until the weather warms up. However, by that time you may be dealing with a full-on weed infestation. Allow our local technicians to spot treat your lawn during the winter months to prevent pesky weeds from gaining a foothold on your turf.

Keep your lawn clutter free. Piles of leaves, stray debris, and outdoor furniture are all sources of pressure that can smother and weaken the grass underneath. Clear out any items that could block the sun or damage your yard when it’s most vulnerable to stress.

Plan ahead. Now’s a great time to plan out your lawn care strategy for the upcoming the year. Our lawn care experts can design a tailor-made plan for your yard that keeps it healthy and vibrant from season to season.

For spring lawn care in Hillsborough, contact us today! Our lawn care services are also available in nearby communities such as High Point, Thomasville, Trinity, Randleman, Bahama, Graham, Mebane, and Roxboro.