Lawn Weed Control Service in Kernersville

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in Kernersville

Spring is always an exciting time in North Carolina, with flowers in bloom and new growth everywhere. But it also brings the resurgence of weeds like crabgrass and dandelion. Lawn weed control service can keep those plants from sprouting in Kernersville yards this year. How? An expert team can administer regular pre-emergent treatments as needed.

Let’s take a look at how these pre-emergents work, how they help your lawn, and what a reliable lawn care team can do.

How Pre-Emergents Help Lawns in Kernersville Thrive 

Common weeds are common because they’re incredibly tenacious and fast growing. A single dandelion plant can release 5,000 seeds in a year, while a crabgrass plant can produce a staggering 150,000 seeds in its lifetime. Pre-emergents are vital for preventing these seeds from ever sprouting. Here’s how they help your lawn:

They give your turfgrass a fighting chance. When your lawn has to compete for resources with other plants, it’s more likely to struggle. While weeds aren’t the cause of poor turf health, they can hasten the decline of your grass. Pre-emergents give your lawn the chance to get healthier and rebuild a dense root system.

They inhibit underground growth. In Kernersville, pre-emergent treatment should always be applied early in the year. That’s because it’s designed to be preventative, offering an underground barrier that stops germinating weeds. Your lawn weed control service can time treatment to improve impact.

They address top culprits like crabgrass. While pre-emergents can’t address existing growth, or invasive growth that spreads via root systems, they take care of many top culprits. Crabgrass, goosegrass, and dandelion are all plant species that reproduce by seeds—meaning preventative treatment can keep them from appearing on your turf.

They offer year-round protection. North Carolina’s climate creates the perfect conditions for weeds to sprout year round. Fortunately, pre-emergent treatments will work against both summer and winter plants. Your lawn care team can schedule treatments in the early spring and fall to maximize protection to your yard.

Lawn Weed Control Services For Your Kernersville Property 

While pre-emergents are crucial for keeping weeds away, a healthy and flourishing lawn is also an important line of defense. Our lawn weed control services can revive the health and appearance of your grass plants. We offer wide-ranging treatments in:

  • Kernersville
  • Greensboro
  • High Point
  • Summerville
  • Burlington
  • Guilford County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Help your property flourish with our lawn weed control service in Kernersville. All you have to do to get started is contact Lawn Doctor of Greensboro today!