Residential Lawn Care in Webster: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Webster

When myths are your main source of residential lawn care advice, it’s time to make a change. However, you may not be sure as to whether you’re caring for your grass based on truths or misconceptions. Our team at Lawn Doctor of Friendswood-League City has set out to bust some common myths in the realm of yard care so that local homeowners in Webster can avoid wasting their time with meaningless “tips and tricks.”

Exposing Widespread Residential Lawn Care Myths

We’ve come across many local homeowners whose belief in widespread lawn care myths has stood in the way of growing a beautiful lawn. Is your grass being affected by your adherence to the following misconceptions?

  • Myth #1: Breaking up dense soil is as simple as wearing shoes with spikes on the soles. In actuality, soil compaction isn’t something that can change with a quick footwear adjustment. Compaction can be a serious problem, and we recommend turning to a professional to avoid circumstances in which grass roots could suffocate. Our local company offers core aeration services, which make use of a core aerator to pull out plugs of compacted soil and increase the flow of oxygen to plant roots.
  • Myth #2: Weed infestations can be stopped by pulling out weeds by hand. Hand-pulling weeds may be your go-to strategy for dealing with these pesky plants, but it’s not the best way to prevent or stop an infestation as bits of root can easily remain. We provide comprehensive weed control services that include pre-emergent and post-emergent treatments to more effectively deal with invasive plants.
  • Myth #3: It’s less important when you water your lawn than how often you water it. The amount of water absorbed by your lawn can actually change based on the time of day. To ensure it receives all the moisture you’re giving it, aim to water early on in the day, before the sun’s hot rays can cause evaporation.

Making Residential Lawn Care Easier For Homeowners

Take advantage of the residential lawn care services we offer to enjoy a simpler approach to maintaining a healthy lawn. We can improve the care your turf receives and help you avoid common lawn care myths in:

  • Webster
  • Friendswood
  • League City

For residential lawn care in Webster, Friendswood, and League City contact us today!