Learn About Our Annual Programs for Residential Lawn Care in League City

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in League City

With our residential lawn care, Lawn Doctor of Friendswood-League City provides reliable support for local homeowners. We offer a variety of expert treatments including lawn fertilization, weed control, core aeration, and many others. For ongoing service and year-round convenience, we offer annual care plans customized to your specific yard.

About Our Annual Residential Lawn Care 

With our ongoing residential lawn care, you can secure amazing service for a low price. We offer:

Regular lawn fertilization. Every lawn needs a steady dosage of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to achieve strong growth and remain in good health. Fertilization is the process of providing these nutrients for your lawn. It is a difficult, time-consuming, and potentially costly process if you don’t know what you’re doing. Thankfully, with our professional support, you can lock down consistent and effective fertilization treatments.

Slow-release fertilizer. Our treatments are scheduled throughout the year and applied at the right times for maximum impact. We also utilize a slow-release fertilizer that distributes nitrogen slowly over a prolonged time window. With this comprehensive process, we are able to keep your lawn full of vital nutrients, all year long.

Weed control. When your grass is fortified by proper fertilization, it is in a much better position to react to other lawn care treatments. So, our consistent fertilization will lead to more effective weed control and any other service your lawn requires.

Customization. We are 100% committed to the small details. Our team will work relentlessly to adapt our lawn care process to suit your specific yard. With our meticulous approach and ability to think on our feet, we are proud to maintain the highest customer retention in our industry.

Guaranteed Residential Lawn Care in the League City Area

With annual support from our crew, you can maintain a beautiful and inviting lawn for your home. We offer skilled and reliable service with affordable pricing and the security of our industry-leading guarantee.

Lawn Doctor of Friendswood-League City proudly operates throughout:

  • League City
  • Friendswood
  • Webster

Annual residential lawn care plans take the stress of DIY treatments off the homeowner, and guarantee results for yards in League City. Contact us today to discover what we have to offer.