Fall Lawn Care in Stafford: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in StaffordAutumn might seem like the time of year where you’re starting to slow things down in terms of lawn care. In reality, though, you should be putting in even more effort so you can reap dazzling rewards next spring. And the team at Lawn Doctor of Stafford can help. As experts in fall lawn care in the Stafford, VA area, we know that to take advantage of the cool, moist conditions of the season, you have to follow a few key steps. Here’s a look at some do’s and don’ts:

Don’t stop mowing. Your grass is growing until that first hard frost hits. So don’t cut back on mowing just because temperatures are dropping. Continue to mow, keeping blades around three inches tall when you do.

Do get rid of a wet layer of leaves. When leaves are piling up, they’re also blocking out sunlight and keeping moisture locked in. Diseases and pests can therefore easily spread. Instead, aim to rake around once a week throughout the season.

Don’t let grass get dehydrated. Heading into winter, your lawn needs to be strong and well-hydrated. If local rainfall in the Stafford area isn’t delivering around an inch of moisture each week, then add watering to your fall lawn care list.

Do consider aerating and seeding. If your grass is wilted from summer drought and heat, or if there are sparse or bare spots, aerate the soil to get more water, nutrients, and air flowing freely into the root zone. Soon after, seed your lawn to improve overall turf density and natural defenses.

Don’t skip that final application of fertilizer. The fall application is perhaps the most important one. It’s providing the fuel needed for repair and recovery work after the stress of summer, while also fortifying grass heading into winter. Your lawn will emerge brighter and more beautiful next spring, as a result.

Let Stafford’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Performing these lawn care steps is critical, but so is timing them correctly during the Stafford area’s fall season. Aerating or fertilizing too late, for instance, can yield weak or even disastrous results. Instead of risking a mistake, turn to Lawn Doctor of Stafford for help. While you handle routine maintenance, like mowing, we’ll ensure your yard gets into great shape for the next growing season.

Get started today by visiting our contact page and scheduling for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Stafford, Triangle, Bristow, Gainesville, Haymarket, Warrenton, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and Culpeper, VA areas.