Residential Lawn Care in Reisterstown: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Reisterstown

There’s a ton of information out there regarding hacks and tips for lawn maintenance, and it’s not always easy to separate fact from fiction. And while many of the lawn care myths out there simply result in wasted time, implementing some of the recommended steps out there can be a significant step backwards in your lawn’s long-term development. Below, we’ll examine a few of the most common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Reisterstown, MD area to help you set the record straight.

Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

Watering your lawn at night is the most effective. Several DIY lawn care issues pop up during the watering process, with one of the most common mistakes being watering the grass at night. Watering at night allows water to sit on the grass for too long, causing fungus and a handful of other lawn diseases to form. Watering in the morning, on a deep infrequent basis, helps you avoid this risk and safely hydrate your lawn.

Pulling weeds by hand is the best way to fight them. While hand-pulling can be used to fight these plants, there are a few key disadvantages to it. One of the biggest disadvantages to pulling weeds by hand is that part of the plant can break off, causing the root system to be left behind. And if the entire plant and root system isn’t either removed or destroyed, weeds are capable of growing back quickly.

Fertilizing your yard is only necessary once or twice per year. Sustaining the nutrient density necessary for continuous turf health is tricky to do with only one or two fertilizer applications per year. To bring out the best in your yard, it’s essential to fertilize between 4-6 times per year.

Our Comprehensive Residential Lawn Care in Reisterstown

With the proven treatments we offer at Lawn Doctor of Carroll County, Reisterstown, Towson, we take the guesswork out of lawn care. With our time-tested treatments, our top-of-the-line products, and our comprehensive approach, we’ll bring you a lawn that you can be proud of and keep it looking great in the long run.

We offer professional residential lawn care to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Reisterstown
  • Carroll County
  • Towson
  • Sykesville
  • Eldersburg
  • Westminster
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For residential lawn care in Reisterstown, contact our team today!