Weed Control in Duluth: Steps to a Weed Free Lawn

Weed Control in DuluthThere are a few issues that can spread throughout your home’s outdoor spaces and cause as much damage to your yard as weed infestations. These harmful plants can take a heavy toll on the health and appearance of your yard, and they can also take up nutrients and other resources that your yard needs to support healthy grass growth. To effectively fight weeds, taking a comprehensive approach is critical. Below, we’ll highlight some key steps to control weeds in Duluth yards and how our team of lawn care experts can help.

Key Steps for Weed Control

There are a handful of essential steps to take when it comes to achieving and maintaining a lawn that’s free of weeds. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:

Water Effectively

How you water your yard plays a major role in determining how it grows and develops from season to season. Watering too frequently or at too shallow of a depth causes your yard to develop weaker root systems. And with weaker root systems, your yard will be less resistant to invading weeds. When you work with our team, we’ll make watering recommendations based on your yard’s unique characteristics, like grass type and soil composition.

Fertilize Your Yard

Your yard needs nutrients to support ongoing grass growth. But how does this factor into weed control? Weeds need space to show up in your yard and take root. Properly fertilizing your yard leads to thicker, stronger grass that takes away the space that weeds need to take over. At Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross, we utilize cutting-edge fertilization solutions to boost your yard’s nutrient density and improve its natural defenses against weeds.

Fight Weeds Directly

To keep weeds out of your yard, fighting them directly is essential. That’s where our professional weed control treatments come in.

Our Professional Weed Control in Duluth

Our professional solutions utilize a comprehensive treatment process and some of the most advanced products out there to effectively eliminate both broadleaf and grassy weeds. With our hassle-free applications, we’ll protect your yard from weeds while sparing you from the headaches that come with being stuck at home during service.

We offer top-notch weed control in these areas:

  • Duluth
  • Sandy Springs
  • Doraville
  • Dunwoody
  • Norcross
  • And throughout the neighboring communities

For weed control in Duluth, contact us today!