Residential Lawn Care in Norcross: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Norcross

There’s a lot of lawn care information out there, surrounding everything from what steps to take to which products to use. Unfortunately, for every piece of helpful advice, there’s a lawn care myth that doesn’t quite deliver. And while some of this misinformation is harmless and simply results in wasted time, some of it can cause significant damage to your soil and your lawn’s development when it’s put into practice. We’ll highlight a few common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Norcross, GA area to help you separate facts from lawn care fiction.

Common Lawn Care Myths

It can be tough to identify lawn care myths if you’re not already familiar with them. Here’s a quick look at some of the most common myths and why they should be avoided:

Everyday watering is ideal. Watering your yard every single day, along with being extremely time-consuming, is detrimental to your lawn’s overall health. Everyday watering essentially trains your root systems to remain at a shallow depth, weakening your lawn and making it less resistant to drought conditions. Watering deeply either once or twice per week helps you maintain a stronger, healthier lawn in the long run.

It doesn’t matter when you water your grass. Frequency isn’t the only variable that’s important when it comes to watering. Watering at the wrong time can lead to issues by causing the water to evaporate too quickly or too slowly. To get the best results possible from watering, it’s important to water early in the morning.

Thatch is harmful. Thatch only presents a risk to your lawn’s health when an extremely thick layer of it is allowed to accumulate on top of your lawn. A thin layer of thatch on top of your soil is completely natural and normal for a healthy lawn.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care in Norcross

At Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross, we take the guesswork out of maintaining a great-looking lawn by utilizing a proven approach and some of the most advanced treatments around. With our comprehensive residential lawn care pre and post emergent, seeding, tree and shrub services and aeration)  solutions, we’ll boost your lawn’s health and keep it looking its best through the seasons.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighboring homeowners in these areas:

  • Norcross
  • Duluth
  • Doraville
  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Norcross, contact us today!